Wednesday, January 27, 2021

1-27-2021 Journal Entry, aka Angry and Unmedicated

I just feel mad today.  About everything.  So I pretty much napped all day.  I filled out a form for another fund.  I messed up a form and left it for another day.  And I was told I forgot to sign a form, a month later.  I don't know if this rage is from being off my anti-depressant or what.  I had an appointment with my psychiatrist last week and he was going to bump my dose on one that seemed to be helping and wean me off one that wasn't.  I called them back, having forgotten to give them my new insurance only to find out they don't take my new insurance.  Then the pharmacy said that the new insurance wants prior authorization, so there's been calls to my now "old" psychiatrist to try to get it approved.  Email from Walgreen's this morning said still trouble with insurance, so now I'm left out of my good med cold turkey.  I'm glad between the doc, the pharmacy, and the insurance that someone cares about the recently-suicidal, newly widowed woman who's off her meds cold turkey.

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